You can buy a maximum of 10 tickets for this event
Venue Address:
The Lower Third26 Denmark Street
Venue Information:
The Lower Third (Club Room) is 16+ from Sunday to Wednesday and 18+ from Thursday to Saturday However, please always check event information as on occasion the venue will operate as 16+ on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Very rarely the venue will run 14+ events. Please note that any person under the age of 16 will always require an 18+ person to accompany on a 2:1 ratio. The Forge, The Lower Third Bar and any event that runs past 23:00 in The Lower Third (Club Room) will always be 18+. Please ensure you bring valid and physical form photo ID when attending any event at The Lower Third. Management has the right to refuse entry at all times.Disability information:
Please contact accessibility@outernetvnues.comThe Lower Third is an unseated venue. We have a lift down to the club room with an accessible toilet located one more floor down. We have a designated accessible seating area located left of the stage.